Sunday, October 31, 2010

Snowflakes with Swarovski Pearl Necklace

Snowflakes with Swarovski Pearl Necklace

Things & Tools you'll need:

Clasp - silver toggle
Beading wire
2 silver crimp beads
42 - 10mm Swarovski glass pearls; night blue
18 - 6mm vitrial druk rounds
3 - silver snowflake charms - one lager than the other two
3 split rings
Crimping plyers
Bent nose or chain nose plyers

Step 1
Place the snowflake charms on the split rings. Cut beading wire to 26 inches.

Step 2
Attach one end of the beading wire to the clasp with a crimp bead. Bead on 3 vitrial druk beads.

Step 3
Bead: 5 glass pearls, one vitrial druk bead. Repeat two more times.

Step 4
Bead: 3 glass pearls, one vitrial bead, split ring with small snowflake charm, one vitrial bead, 3 glass pearls, one vitrial bead, split ring with large snowflake charm, one vitrial bead, 3 glass pearls, one vitrial bead, split ring with small snowflake charm, one vitrial bead and 3 glass pearls.

Step 5
Bead: one vitrial druk bead, 5 glass pearls. Repeat two more times.

Step 6
Bead: 3 vitrial druk beads. Attach the other end of the clasp. Enjoy!

Snowflakes with Swarovski Pearl Necklace


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